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Provo City School District

Centennial Middle School

Good Morning,

Important Dates:

February 7 School Musical Chitty Chitty Bang Bang (tickets online only watch for email with link)

February 7-11 Kindness Week

February 16 Parent/Teacher Conferences Online and in person by teacher. Watch for an email from each teacher with information. 1:00 PM release time.

February 21 No School PRESIDENT’S DAY

February 22 No School Professional Development Day

Hearing Screening:


Dear Parent or Caregiver,

Hearing is an important part of your student’s ability to learn and progress at school.  In accordance with state and federal law, an annual hearing screening is conducted at your student’s school to help identify hearing concerns.  The Utah State Department of Health has issued screening guidelines to help prevent the exposure and spread of COVID-19 during screening.  These guidelines include disinfection of headphones and contact surfaces between each student and the adult screeners wearing masks.  Hearing screening this year in the elementary schools includes preschool (if not previously screened), Kindergarten, 3rd grade, all students in special ed and students who are new to the district.  In middle school we will screen all of 7th grade and in high school all of 11th grade as well as students in special ed and those who are new to the school district.  Please let your student’s teacher know if your student isn’t part of one of the groups mentioned above and you would like them to be included in the screening.  This year, your school’s hearing screening is scheduled on: ________________.

The hearing screening is a very simple procedure and will take only a few minutes. If your student is absent or does not pass the initial screening, they will be rechecked on a later date and you will be notified if they do not pass the rescreen.  If you DO NOT want your student to be screened, please send an email or signed and dated note to your student’s teacher prior to the screening indicating you don’t want them to be screened.

Thank you!


Estimados padres,

La audición es una parte muy importante para la habilidad de aprendizaje y el

progreso de su hijo/a en la escuela. Por esta razón, de acuerdo con la leyes estatales

y federales, llevamos a cabo un prueba auditiva anual en todas la escuelas, para

identificar a los niños con posibles problemas de audición. Este año el Departamento de Salud del Estado de Utah ha publicado nuevas pautas para identificar a estos niños para ayudar a prevenir la exposición y propagación de COVID-19 durante esta prueba auditiva. Estas nuevas pautas incluyen el desinfectar rigurosamente los audífonos y otras superficies de contacto entre los estudiantes, así como el uso de cubrebocas. Nuestra evaluación anual incluye a los niños de edad preescolar que comienzan la escuela, TODOS los estudiantes de Jardín de Infantes, TODOS los estudiantes de tercer grado, TODOS los estudiantes con un IEP, los estudiantes nuevos en el distrito y los estudiantes que los padres o maestros soliciten sean evaluados. En la escuela secundaria y preparatoria los estudiantes de los grados 7 y 11 pueden ser identificados si lo piden (así como también los estudiantes  en otros grados si hay alguna inquietud). Informarle al maestro de su estudiante si no son parte de los grupos antes mencionados y si le gustaría que fueran evaluados. Este año la prueba auditiva para su escuela está programada para:_________.

La prueba de audición es un procedimiento muy simple y solo tomará unos minutos.

Si su hijo/a está ausente o no pasa la evaluación inicial, se le volverán a evaluar en

una fecha posterior y se le notificará si no paso la evaluación. Si usted NO quiere

que su hijo/a participe en está evaluación, por favor envíe una nota o un correo electrónico con fecha y firma a la maestra de su hijo/a que indique que usted no desea que su estudiante sea evaluado.



Centennial Middle School Presents Chitty Chitty Bang Bang! Performances will be held this Monday @ 7pm. Tickets can be purchased through the following link:  Tickets will only be sold online and not at the door. (The stage is at the bottom of the screen. Please be sure to note this when purchasing your tickets)

School Fee Update

School fees are now available to be paid IN PERSON and ONLINE. If you need a new link to pay your fees please email and she will send you a new link. You can also call the school and pay our Financial Secretary KC Wabel over the phone. Attendance:

We are going to be staying touchless this year.  We have purchased a scanner and will be scanning students ID cards to check them in and out of school.

In order to minimize traffic through the office we are asking that you do not bring your student in to the school when you are dropping them off.  Please drop them off and then email or call our attendance secretary Liana Mangisi to excuse them.  Her email address is

If your student has a doctor, dentist or orthodontist appointment first thing in the morning (8:30 or earlier) we are asking that you not send them to school until after their appointment.

When you are checking out a student please only have one person come in the school to check them out. Please be prepared and have your government issued ID ready to show, and that the person who is coming is on their Emergency Contact Form or that you have emailed or called in advance to let us know who will be picking your student up.

This week at Centennial:

Kindness Week

Monday February 7 B Day 8:05 AM -2:55 PM Sports Day

Tuesday February 8 A Day 8:05 AM -2:55 PM Tie Dye Day

Wednesday February 9 B Day 8:05 AM -2:55 PM Decade Day

Thursday February 10 A Day 8:05 AM -2:55 PM Hat Day

Friday February 11 B Day 8:05 AM -1:00 PM Comfy/Pajama Day

Looking Ahead:

Monday February 14 A Day 8:05 AM -2:55 PM

Tuesday February 15 B Day 8:05 AM -2:55 PM

Wednesday February 16 A Day 8:05 AM -1:00 PM PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES

Thursday February 17 B Day 8:05 AM -2:55 PM

Friday February 18 A Day 8:05 AM -1:00 PM

Have a good week,



Dear Centennial Families, I hope that you and your family are enjoying a wonderful and safe summer. Here at Centennial, we are staying busy preparing for another successful year. Below is some...

May 28, 29, 30 - 9:00am - 2:00pm May 31 - Closed June 3, 4, 5, 6 - 9:00am - 2:00pm June 7 - Closed June 10, 11, 12 - 9:00am - 2:00pm June 13, 14 - Closed June 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 -...

Tomorrow we are having an assembly for HOPE week. Here is the Bell Schedule: Period 1 - 8:05 a.m.–9:05 a.m. Period 2 -  9:10 a.m.-10:10 a.m. Period 3 - 10:15 a.m.-11:15 a.m. 1st Lunch - 11:15...
