Last modified: February 10, 2025
2024 – 2025 Course Catalog English
Middle School Course Requirements
7th Grade Requirements
- Language Arts
- Performing Arts
- Mathematics
- Physical Education
- Science
- Visual Arts
- Utah Studies
- Electives
- CCA BUS/Digital Lit
8th Grade Requirements
- Language Arts
- Health
- Mathematics
- Physical Education
- Science
- Electives
- U.S. History
Course Level Descriptions
Centennial Middle School offers a quality education designed to meet the needs of all students. Our standard honors curriculum meets all elements of the Utah State Core relative to grade-level instruction. For students who desire more rigorous coursework, we offer gifted classes.
Parents and students should thoughtfully consider the options and courses that will provide the most appropriate learning environment. Course changes cannot be made mid-year. Students who enroll in a gifted course should be self-motivated, enjoy challenges, and exhibit interest in the subject matter that goes beyond that of a typical student.
Honors courses address the Utah State Core. Honors classes will provide increased focus on depth and complexity in the subject areas. The course work will require students to develop a moderate level of academic independence. Additional focus will be placed on problem-based learning and concept-based instruction. Gifted courses are designed to be accelerated and provide a rigorous, enriched curriculum with the Utah State Core as the foundation for course work. Students are expected to take an active role in their education and demonstrate individual autonomy and initiative.
Gifted courses place a high priority on developing critical and creative thinking skills, with an added emphasis on depth and complexity. The homework expectation in gifted courses is more demanding than that of honors courses. Students will self-select placement in gifted courses based upon their interest, strengths and potential. Students should have demonstrated mastery of pre-requisite courses and be working above grade level in the course(s) they select.
Prerequisites may be required for certain classes. These will be listed in the course catalog under the relevant course(s).
Application Courses are listed on your student registration form and include Latinos in Action, student government, peer tutor, and yearbook. Students must complete an application to be considered for placement in these courses. Not all students who apply will be accepted.
Course Fees will be published online at a later time once they are approved by the school board. DISCLAIMER: Courses are subject to change * Additional courses may be offered after enrollment numbers are available. * Not every course herein may actually be offered each year due to low student enrollments, a change in teaching assignment, or other such reasons.
Career And Technical Education
Required CCA Courses
Digital Literacy
- (combined with CCA Business)
- Duration: Quarter (0.25)
- Grade(s): 7 Homework: up to 1 hr/week
- This course is a foundation to the digital world that provides a broad understanding of key applications, computing fundamentals, and living online. Students will have opportunities to use technology and develop skills that promote creativity, critical thinking, productivity, and collaboration in the classroom and day-to-day life. Skills will be demonstrated by creating a project for a different content area. This course is aligned with the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE).
CCA Intro Business (combined with Digital Literacy)
- Duration: Quarter (0.25)
- Grade(s): 7
- Homework: 1 hr/week
- College and Career Awareness Business Class offers exploration and preparation in college and career pathways focusing on jobs that are high skill and high demand, as well as satisfying and financially rewarding. The College and Career Awareness course is designed to help students identify their interests, abilities, and skills. With appropriate developmental information related to careers, educational pathways, and self-knowledge, students are able to begin to make college and career goals for the future. College and Career Awareness is designed to acquaint students with the Utah labor market and the employment opportunities for which they can prepare by defining a College and Career Ready Plan.
Elective CTE Courses
Creative Coding 1/Robotics 1
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: up to 1 hr/week
- This is a combination course with one term spent in both coding and robotics. The Coding I portion of the course is an introduction to coding and programming and is designed to attract and reach a broad and diverse range of students, including those who may have never before considered programming. Students learn how to code by working in a real software development environment to design, program, and publish mobile apps and games. Learning to code by creating real products, students discover how to make amazing things and have an impact on their world. The Robotics I portion of the course uses VEX IQ Robotics. This course serves as an introduction to the basics of robotic technologies. Students will learn to design, build, program, and control robotic devices. Students will create fundamental programming of robots and automated systems. Students will experience hands-on curriculum combining electrical, mechanical, and programming skills.
Creative Coding II / Robotics II
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: up to 1 hr/week
- Prerequisite: Coding I / Robotics I
- This is a combination course with one term spent in both coding and robotics. The Coding II portion of the course is an advanced course in oding and programming. Students will continue to use previous programming methods from Coding 1 and will be introduced to two new applications that will assist their programming skills. Students will be using an Apple programming language called Swift. Swift code is interactive and fun, and Swift includes modern features developers love. Swift code is safe by design, yet also produces software that runs lightning-fast. Students will also use various sites to advance in Javascript, HTML, and other programming languages. The Robotics II portion of the course is an advanced course using VEX IQ Robotics. This course goes beyond the basics of robotic technologies. This course is a rigorous study and application of engineering principles related to robotics and automated systems. Students will design, build, and control complex robotic devices. Students will program code for robots and automated systems.
FACS Exploration Foods
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: up to 1 hr/week This course will provide students the opportunity to develop essential skills in the various career pathways related to Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS). Students will explore and cultivate skills in food and nutrition sciences, such as kitchen safety and sanitation, kitchen equipment, cooking terms, proper measuring, and microwave cooking. They will also explore aspects of child development, consumerism, family relationships, etiquette and manners, personal responsibility, entrepreneurship and other career and job related skills. This course will strengthen comprehension of concepts and standards outlined in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education.
FACS Exploration Foods II
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 8 Homework: up to 1 hr/week
- Prerequisite: FACS Exploration-Foods
- This course is designed to build upon the principles learned in FACS Exploration- Foods. Students will learn more advanced cooking techniques, along with meal planning, budgeting, garnishing, food blogging and explore foods from around the world. There will be a focus on careers in the Food Industry.
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 1 hr/week
- This is a combination course where students will learn various computer skills. The keyboarding portion of the course will focus on correct fingerings by touch and good techniques for mastering the keyboard. During the MultiMedia portion of the course, you will learn about internet safety & good digital citizenship, play around with pixel art, as well as create a digital flipbook, and an interactive trivia Jeopardy™ style game.
Language Arts
7th Grade Requirement – Full Year Language Arts 7
8th Grade Requirement – Full Year Language Arts 8
7th Grade Language Arts Courses
Language Arts 7 Honors
- Duration: Year long (2.0)
- Grade(s): 7
- Homework: 2-3 hrs/week
- This course is designed to help students improve their language and communication skills. It will give them grade-level appropriate challenges while ensuring the practice of valuable skills, with special emphasis on argument and informational text, text evidence, author’s point of view, central idea, theme, and collaboration. Since reading, writing, speaking and listening are interrelated processes, they are taught in connection with each other. Students will read about a range of real life topics in drama, poetry, short stories, novels, film, creative nonfiction, and informational texts. They will also write about and discuss these topics. Students are expected to be self-motivated learners, willing to explore Language Arts topics in great depth. Students will be expected to improve their writing skills in spelling, vocabulary, grammar and usage, mechanics, structure, and style. Appropriate instruction and assignments will be offered for all ability levels.
Language Arts 7 Gifted
- Duration: Year long (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7
- Homework: 4-6 hrs/week
- Prerequisite: Above grade level
- The Language Arts portion of this course is designed for students who are highly gifted in reading and writing as evidenced by test scores, prior academic performance and grades, teacher recommendations, and the desire to be extremely challenged. Students need to be self-motivated, organized, strong readers, and exceptional writers in order to handle the rigor and increased homework demands of this class. Students will be expected to read and write inside class as well as at home in a variety of genres, with an emphasis on writing analytically and for argument. This class will cover themes and topics found in all genres of literature, especially writings that pertain to the historical periods being studied. Students will also develop language skills for oral presentation.
8th Grade Language Arts Courses
Language Arts 8 Honors
- Duration: Yearlong (2.0)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: 2-3 hrs/week
- This course is designed to help students of all ability levels improve and extend their language and communication skills. Since reading, writing, speaking, and listening are interrelated processes, they are taught in connection with each other rather than in isolation. Students will read about, write about, and discuss a range of real life topics as they explore multiple genres, including drama, poetry, short stories, novels, film, creative nonfiction, and informational texts. Reading will be required both in and out of class. Students, no matter their ability level, will be expected to improve their reading and writing skills in a variety of genres. Students will be expected to be self-motivated learners and willing to explore Language Arts topics in greater depth.
Language Arts 8 Gifted
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: 4-6 hrs/week
- Prerequisite: Above grade level
- This course is designed for students who are highly gifted in reading and writing as evidenced by test scores, 7th grade English performance and grades, teacher recommendations, and the desire to be extremely challenged. Students need to be self-motivated, organized, strong readers, and exceptional writers in order to handle the rigor and increased homework demands of this class. Students will be expected to read and write inside class as well as at home in a variety of genres, with an emphasis on writing analytically and for argument. Students will dig deeply into themes and topics. Designed to meet the unique needs of gifted students, this course will help students understand writing, reading, and critical thinking better and prepare them to become citizens who understand their heritage and the importance of the future. Students will learn the language skills necessary for them to appropriately impact their own future and that of their community. This class will cover themes and topics found in all genres of literature and students will additionally develop language skills for oral presentation.
English for Students of Other Languages
English Language Development I
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: varied (minimal)
- This course is for students who are new to the United States and have very limited to no English skills. Emphasis will be placed on basic interpersonal communication skills. We will build vocabulary by speaking, listening, reading, and writing in English.
English Language Development II-IV
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: varied (minimal)
- This course is for students who are comfortable in BICS (basic interpersonal communication skills) but need help building CALPS (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency). Students are placed in classes based on their scores on the previous year’s ACCESS test. Students will be reading and writing at a higher level using academic language necessary for other core classes. Students will be expected to read and write in English at or near grade level as they develop English language skills. Students who use time wisely in class will have very little homework.
7th Grade Requirement – Full Year Mathematics
8th Grade Requirement – Full Year Mathematics
7th Grade Mathematics Core Courses
7th Grade Mathematics-Honors
- Duration: Yearlong (2.0)
- Grade(s): 7
- Homework: 2-3 hrs/week
- Students will develop a comprehensive understanding of numbers. They will learn to recognize that rational numbers can be written as a fraction, decimal or percent. The students will learn to solve one- and two-step equations. Students will extend their understanding of ratios and develop understanding of proportional thinking. They will extend their work with Geometric figures including area and circumference of circles. Students will identify statistical samples and populations and use sample results to represent and make predictions concerning populations. They will work with areas and volumes associated with some three-dimensional figures. Students will learn about a variety of angle relationships.
7th/8th Grade Mathematics
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7
- Homework: 2-4 hrs/week
- This is a rigorous, advanced math course that covers both 7th and 8th grade math standards, as listed in 7th Grade Mathematics and 8th Grade Mathematics, in one year rather than two. This class is a prerequisite for Secondary Math 1 in 8th grade.
Math 8/SM I
- Duration: Yearlong (2.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 2-4 hrs/week
- Prerequisite: completion of 7th Grade Mathematics This is a rigorous, advanced math course that covers the standards from both the 8th Grade Mathematics and Secondary Math 1 classes, in one school year, rather than two. (See descriptions of Math 8 and Secondary Math 1) Students will learn multiple concepts each day with no extra practice or review time given in class. Any additional help with learning will need to be done outside of class.
8th Grade Mathematics Core Courses
8th Grade Mathematics-Honors
- Duration: Yearlong (2.0)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: 2-3 hs/week
- Many of the topics covered in 8th Grade Mathematics will be addressed at an enhanced level with extended activities. Students will extend their knowledge of the real number system. They will use linear equations and systems of linear equations to represent, analyze, and solve a variety of problems. Students will grasp the concept of a function as a rule that assigns to each input exactly one output. Students will use ideas about distance and angles, how they behave under translations, rotations, reflections, and dilations, and ideas about congruence and similarity to describe and analyze two-dimensional figures and to solve problems. Students will also learn and apply the Pythagorean Theorem.
Math 8/SM I
- Duration: Yearlong (2.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 2-4 hrs/week
- Prerequisite: completion of 7th Grade Mathematics This is a rigorous, advanced math course that covers the standards from both the 8th Grade Mathematics and Secondary Math 1 classes, in one school year, rather than two. (See descriptions of Math 8 and Secondary Math 1) Students will learn multiple concepts each day with no extra practice or review time given in class. Any additional help with learning will need to be done outside of class.
Secondary Mathematics I
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: 2-4 hrs/week
- Prerequisite: completion of 8th Grade Mathematics This course covers traditional Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2 topics. These topics include solving equations, inequalities, systems of equations and inequalities, functions, descriptive statistics in both one and two variables (categorical and numerical), transformations in the plane, congruence, constructions and coordinate geometry. Students are expected to have access to a graphing calculator for doing some homework.
Secondary Mathematics II
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: 3-5 hrs/week
- Prerequisite: completion of 8th Grade Mathematics & SM I Student in SM2 will focus on quadratic expressions, equations, and functions, extend the set of rational number to the set of complex numbers link probability and data through conditional probability and counting methods, study similarity and right triangle trigonometry, and study circles with their quadratic algebraic representations. Students are expected to have access to a graphing calculator for doing some homework.
Math Elective
Math Counts
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 1-2 hrs/week
- Math Counts is for preparing CMS students to participate in the Math Counts Competition Series. The Competition Series has 4 levels of live, in-person math competitions – school, chapter, state, and national. Each level of competition consists of 4 rounds – Spring, Target, Team, and Countdown Round. Altogether the rounds are designed to take about 3 hours to complete. In the fall, students work with their teacher/coaches to prepare for the competition, using resources provided by Math Counts. Then, competitions begin in the winter and run through the spring. This is a full year extra-curricular math class.
Performing Arts
7th Grade Requirement – Minimum of 1 Course
Band Courses
7th Grade Requirement – Minimum of 1 Course
Band I – Beginning
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 100 mins/week
- This class is for students with no prior experience playing a band instrument. Students may choose from clarinet, trombone, tuba, flute, trumpet, euphonium, or saxophone. Students do not need any prior experience playing an instrument or reading music. Students are encouraged to rent or purchase an instrument from a local music store. A small number of school instruments are available for students on fee waivers or those interested in playing larger instruments. This class fulfills the state music requirement.
Band II – Concert
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 100 mins/week
- Prerequisite: Audition
- This class is for flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, horn, trombone, euphonium, and tuba players with previous experience playing their instrument who have passed the placement audition. Audition materials can be obtained from Mr. or Mrs. Werner. Auditions will be held in April at the student’s elementary schools. Students interested in switching to a new instrument—oboe or bassoon—can join this class. They should talk to Mr. Werner about switching and attend the Instrument Switching Camp held at the end of the previous school year. This class fulfills the state music requirement.
Band II – Symphonic
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 125 mins/week
- Prerequisite: Audition
- This is the second-highest band at Centennial. This class is for woodwind and brass players with previous experience playing their instrument who have passed the placement audition. Audition materials can be obtained from Mr. or Mrs. Werner. Auditions will be held in April at the student’s elementary schools. Students interested in switching to a new instrument (like the tuba, euphonium, horn, oboe, or bassoon) can join this class. They should talk to Mr. Werner about switching and attend the Instrument Switching Camp held at the end of the previous school year. This class fulfills the state music requirement.
Band III – Wind Symphony
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 150 mins/week
- Prerequisite: Audition
- This is the top band at Centennial. Students perform at festivals around the state and are expected to maintain high levels of dedication and achievement. This class is for woodwind and brass players with previous experience playing their instrument who have passed the placement audition. Audition materials can be obtained from Mr. or Mrs. Werner. Auditions will be held in April at the student’s elementary schools. Students must have prior experience on their instrument. This class fulfills the state music requirement.
Band I – Percussion
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7
- Homework: 125 mins/week
- Prerequisite: Audition
- This class is for students with no prior experience who have passed the audition requirements. Percussion students will learn mallet instruments, auxiliary percussion, snare drum, bass drum, and timpani. Students are required to rent a bell kit from a music store for home practice. Students interested in this class must have previous music experience (preferably two or more years of piano lessons) and understand how to read notes and rhythms well. Interested students must audition with Mr. Werner and receive permission to register for this class. Auditions will be held on Thursday, March 24, from 4-6 PM in the Centennial Band Room. Auditions will consist of a music theory test (note reading and rhythm reading), a short piano excerpt (if applicable), and a basic aptitude test. This class fulfills the state music requirement.
Band II – Advanced Percussion
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: 125 mins/week
- Prerequisite: Band I – Percussion & Teacher Approval
- This class is for percussion students who have played for one year and passed the placement audition. Percussion students will learn mallet instruments, auxiliary percussion, snare drum, bass drum, and timpani. Students are required to rent a bell kit from a music store for home practice. Students interested in this class must have previous music experience (preferably two or more years of piano lessons) and understand how to read notes and rhythms well. Interested students must have completed beginning percussion and receive permission from Mr. Werner to register for this class.
Chorus I – Beginning
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: Up to 30 mins/week
- This class is for all boys and girls who love to sing, especially those who haven’t learned to read music yet or are just getting started. Besides reading music, we will also learn good vocal techniques and listening skills, and we will have two evening concerts throughout the semester. This class fulfills the state music requirement.
Chorus II – Concert
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: Up to 30 mins/week
- Prerequisite: Audition
- This is an advanced mixed choir for boys and girls who have past choral experience. If you love to sing, this year-long class is for you. We will sing music encompassing a variety of styles, cultures, and languages, as well as continue to develop rhythm and note-reading skills. An evening concert will be presented at the end of each term. This class fulfills the state music requirement.
Chorus II – Aria
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: Up to 30 mins/week
- Prerequisite: Audition
- This is an advanced girls’ ensemble full of fun; a class for those who have past choral experience. If you love to sing, this year-long class is for you. We will sing music encompassing a variety of styles, cultures, and languages, as well as continue to develop rhythm and note-reading skills. An evening concert will be presented at the end of each term. This class fulfills the state music requirement.
Chorus III – Chamber
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: Up to 1 hr/week
- Prerequisite: Audition
- This is the top mixed choir for boys and girls who have past choral experience. If you love to sing, this year-long class is for you. We will sing music encompassing a variety of styles, cultures, and languages, as well as continue to develop rhythm and note-reading skills. An evening concert will be presented at the end of each term. This class fulfills the state music requirement.
Chorus III – A Cappella
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 1.5 hrs/week
- Requirement: Students who are accepted into A Cappella will also be required to take Chamber Choir.
- Love Pentatonix? Love BYU Vocal Point and Noteworthy? This is an elite mixed group comprising 10-12 individuals. If you love to sing and perform, this year-long class is for you. We are in need of vocal percussion, all voice parts, and a huge enthusiasm for a cappella music. An evening concert will be presented at the end of each term. This class fulfills the state music requirement.
Orchestra I – Beginning
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 100 mins/week
- In this year-long class, you will be able to learn the basics of playing the violin, viola, cello, or bass. All students will need their own playable instrument or an instrument provided from the school for a small fee. Students who successfully complete this course will be prepared to join the advanced classes the following year.
Orchestra II – Concert
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 30 mins/day
- Prerequisite: One year of experience
- This class is open to those who have completed a beginning level of orchestra in the elementary school or at the middle school. After a solid review of the basics of playing an instrument, this class focuses more on playing songs than working out of a book.
Orchestra III – Chamber
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 30 mins/day
- Prerequisite: Audition
- This class is for orchestra students who have played for two or more years. This class will be focused on learning concert repertoire and more advanced techniques.
Orchestra III – Symphonic
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 40 mins/day
- Prerequisite: Audition
- This class is the most advanced orchestra. This class is by audition only, and students must have the consent of the director. Students can be in either 7th or 8th grade. Students will play challenging music that pushes them to rehearse and perform in a professional manner.
Other Performing Arts Course Options
- General Music (Music Connections)
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 1-2 hrs/week
- In this class, students will learn about how music has evolved over the years, starting in the 1600s until now. Students will study famous composers, learn about different musical instruments, and listen to all kinds of music genres from classical to jazz to pop music.
- Musical Theatre (The Musical)
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: Up to 30 mins/week, with after-school mandatory rehearsals as outlined in audition packet
- If you want to participate in the school musical as an actor, you must take this class! The school musical rehearsals will be done during the school day. Create a full musical using theatre techniques rehearsed in class. Learn about staging techniques, theatre terminology, script analysis, and proper performance practices. Students will perform the musical in either December or April. Audition information and submission details can be found at Stage managers for the musical will also be part of this class.
- Theatre Foundations I
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: Up to 30 mins/week
- Students will create theatre using techniques learned in the class. They will examine theatre history, auditioning, technical theatre, improv, storytelling, staging techniques, theatre terminology, script analysis, and proper performance practices. Students will give in-class performances and presentations throughout the semester along with a student-planned performance near the end of the semester for invite-only audiences.
- Film – Film and Literature
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: Up to 30 mins/week
- Students will interact with film and literature throughout the semester. They will read and analyze stories and other texts and compare and contrast them with their film adaptations. Students will learn and exercise analytical skills for text and film. They will learn and be able to identify good staging, filming, and writing techniques.
Physical Education & Health
7th Grade Requirement – 1 Semester PE
8th Grade Requirement – 1 Semester PE & 1 Semester Health
Physical Education
Physical Education
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: Up to 30 mins/week
- This class is designed to encourage students to increase their lifetime participation skills in a wide variety of activities. Teaching units and activities are designed to improve teamwork and cooperation skills and help students improve and maintain personal fitness. This class will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of physical fitness components. Students will also be taught the personal benefits of proper nutrition and exercise, as well as the importance of setting and achieving personal fitness goals.
Beginning Dance
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 15-30 mins/day
- This class is for anyone who is wanting an introduction to dance. You will learn about the elements of dance, including body/movement, space, energy, and time. You will explore shapes, footwork, levels, partnering, movement quality, and rhythms. You will also learn to work together as a class to showcase what you have learned at the end of the semester in a concert. This class introduces beginning techniques and helps you discover skills as a performer and dance artist.
Hip-Hop Dance
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 15-30 mins/day
- This class is for anyone who is wanting an introduction to hip-hop. You will learn about the various styles of hip-hop and the pillars of hip-hop. You will also learn to work together as a class to showcase what you have learned at the end of the semester in a concert or dance battle. This class introduces beginning footwork and helps you discover skills as a performer and dance artist.
Intermediate Dance
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 15-30 mins/day
- Prerequisite: Dance 1A or Teacher Approval if 7th grader
- This class is for students who want to further develop their dance skills. They will explore different dance genres, including contemporary/lyrical, hip-hop, ballet, jazz, and more. Students will work together to create dances that will be performed in the Winter Dance Concert and Spring Dance Concert. This class introduces intermediate techniques and helps students refine their skills as performers and dance artists.
Advanced Dance (Pre-Company)
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 15-30 mins/day
- Prerequisite: Dance 1A or Teacher Approval if 7th grader
- Advanced/Pre-Company is a full-year performing dance class for students who are serious about performance and choreography. They will learn self-discipline, commitment, and teamwork. For the first semester, students will focus on technique and composition. For the second semester, students will have the opportunity to choreograph pieces for the company and will learn multiple dances for the spring concert. Dance styles may include contemporary, jazz, hip-hop, etc. This class focuses on advanced techniques and helps students solidify their skills as a performer and dance artist.
Dance 1B – Dance Company
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 15-30 mins/day
- Prerequisite: Audition
- Dance Company is a full-year performing dance class for students who are serious about performance and choreography. They will learn self-discipline, commitment, and teamwork. Students will have the opportunity to choreograph pieces for the company and will learn multiple dances throughout the year. Dance styles may include contemporary, jazz, hip-hop, etc. Students will perform in dance concerts throughout the year at the school as well as in the community. This class focuses on advanced techniques and helps students solidify their skills as a performer and dance artist.
Social Dance Ballroom I
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 15-30 mins/day
- This class is designed to help students increase their social skills, get up and move, and learn basic social dance. No dance experience is necessary. Dance styles learned include world and cultural dance, Cha-Cha, Waltz, Triple Swing, and more. At the end of the semester, students will get to perform in a concert.
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: 30 mins-1 hr/week
- Health is a required class. Health Education provides students with the opportunity to gain knowledge, practice skills and develop attitudes that can benefit them throughout life. Students are encouraged to establish and achieve personal goals that will contribute to a healthy lifestyle and lifelong wellness. This class will cover the following topics: Health Triangle, Diseases, Nutrition and Fitness, Substance Abuse, Mental Health, Social Health, Human Development, and First Aid and Safety.
7th Grade Requirement – Full Year Science 7
8th Grade Requirement – Full Year Science 8
7th Grade Science Core Courses
Integrated Science 7 – Honors
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7
- Homework: 1-2 hrs/week
- This course focuses on the theme of “structure.” Physical, earth, and life science contents are integrated with two primary goals: (1) students will value and use science as a process of obtaining knowledge based on observable evidence, and (2) students will develop an understanding of structure as a general science concept common to all areas. Classwork will involve investigations and group work. Some work outside of class will be required. Taking this class will help prepare students for high school science classes as well as the end-of-level RISE testing. Appropriate instruction and assignments will be offered for all ability levels. Students have the option to compete in the school STEM fair.
Integrated Science 7 – Gifted
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7
- Homework: 2-3 hrs/week
- Prerequisite: Above grade level
- This class will cover the Utah 7th-grade science core at an accelerated pace by doing science through experimental and investigative learning. There will be an emphasis on hands-on investigations accompanied by presentations that help students develop advanced skills in communicating and evidence-based conclusions. Focus will be placed on advanced thinking skills to analyze and evaluate data. Students should be able to work well with others, be self-directed, and motivated to complete projects and assignments. Students will be prepared for advanced high school science classes and the end-of-level RISE testing. Students are required to participate in the school STEM fair.
8th Grade Science Core Courses
Integrated Science 8 – Honors
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: 1-2 hrs/week
- This course emphasizes the role of energy through chemistry and changes in matter; the physical science of kinetic energy, potential energy, and waves; energy through ecosystems; and energy through geologic processes and how that has affected the distribution of Earth’s natural resources. This class covers the Utah 8th-grade science core. Focus will be placed on experimental design and critical thinking skills to analyze and evaluate data. Students should be able to work well with others and be motivated to complete assignments. Students are required to complete an independent science project and will be invited to participate in the district STEM fair if they choose.
Integrated Science 8 – Gifted
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: 2-3 hrs/week
- Prerequisite: Above grade level
- This course emphasizes the role of energy through chemistry and changes in matter; the physical science of kinetic energy, potential energy, and waves; energy flow through ecosystems; and energy through geologic processes and how that has affected the distribution of Earth’s natural resources. This class covers the Utah 8th-grade science core at an accelerated pace. Focus will be placed on experimental design and advanced thinking skills to analyze and evaluate data. Students should be able to work well with others, be self-directed, and motivated to complete projects and assignments. Students are required to complete an independent science project and participate in the district STEM fair. If you enjoy exploration and problem-solving and crave a challenge, this class is for you.
Science Elective Courses
Science Bowl
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 0-2 hrs/week
- This class is for students who are interested in the Science Bowl Competition. We will study all fields of science and math, including biology, chemistry, physics, earth, and physical science. Students participating will need to be highly motivated, enjoy competition, and be willing and able to travel to an overnight competition. Students will research and make presentations about selected science or math topics. Students will be required to maintain at least a B in their science and math classes in order to remain in the Science Bowl class.
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 0-2 hrs/week
- This course is for those who are problem solvers, are innovative and creative, and love a challenge. After being presented with a problem or challenge, students will work through the Engineering Design Process to design solutions to solve the problem. Students will be expected to work in a collaborative group setting and use problem-solving strategies to design and build solutions. Fast-paced, collaborative, and hands-on, this course will require self-discipline and the ability to work well with others. Topics that are covered include an introduction to engineering, an overview of the fields of engineering, mechanical engineering, art and engineering, and structural engineering.
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: 0-2 hrs/week
- Prerequisite: STEM I
- Building on what students learned in STEM I, STEM II will more deeply explore each field of engineering. Students will be expected to work in a collaborative group setting and use problem-solving strategies to design and build solutions. Topics that will be explored include: environmental engineering, biomedical engineering, mechanical engineering, and civil engineering. Students must have STEM I to be enrolled in STEM II.
Social Studies
7th Grade Requirement – Utah Studies
8th Grade Requirement – U.S. History
7th Grade Social Studies Core Courses
Utah Studies – Honors
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 7
- Homework: 1 hr/week
- Utah Studies is a required semester course for 7th graders that explores both the history of Utah and Utah as it is today. The class is divided into five units of study: Geography, Early People, Government & Statehood, People & Cultures, and Economy. Current events and literacy are emphasized throughout the course.
Utah Studies – Gifted
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 7
- Homework: 4-6 hrs/week
- Prerequisite: Above grade level
- In the Utah Studies portion of this course, students will dig deeply into themes and topics found in the study of Utah’s geography and history. Students need to be self-motivated, organized, strong readers, and exceptional writers in order to handle the rigor and increased homework demands of this class. Since this class meets for a full year, more information will be covered in greater detail than the typical one-semester Utah Studies course. Lessons, projects, and writing assignments are designed to help students become citizens who understand their heritage and the importance of the future. Out-of-class projects, including a student-designed service project, are requirements of this course.
8th Grade Social Studies Core Courses
U.S. History I – Honors
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: 1-2 hrs/week
- This is a required class that emphasizes historic events from the age of exploration to reconstruction and the western movement. Topics covered will include, but are not limited to: the age of exploration, colonization, the Revolutionary War, the national period, constitutional issues, the Civil War, reconstruction, and the western movement. The emphasis of this course is on the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, including analyzing primary source documents and research. The state Civics Test that students must pass to receive their high school diploma will be given in this class.
U.S. History I – Gifted
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: 4-6 hrs/week
- Prerequisite: Above grade level
- This course is designed for students who are highly gifted in reading and writing as evidenced by test scores, 7th grade English performance and grades, teacher recommendations, and the desire to be extremely challenged. Students need to be self-motivated, organized, strong readers, and exceptional writers in order to handle the rigor and increased homework demands of this class. Students will be expected to read and write inside class as well as at home in a variety of genres, with an emphasis on writing analytically and for argument.
- Students will dig deeply into themes and topics. Designed to meet the unique needs of gifted students, this course will help students understand history and critical thinking better and prepare them to become citizens who understand their heritage and the importance of the future. Students will learn the language skills necessary for them to appropriately impact their own future and that of the United States. This class will cover themes and topics found in writings that pertain to the historical periods being studied, and students will additionally develop language skills for oral presentation.
Social Studies Elective Courses
Ancient Civilizations – Greece/Rome
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 1 hr/week
- Come and learn about Greek mythology, the Trojan War, the 300 Spartans, Julius Caesar’s assassination, gladiators, the lost city of Pompeii, and so much more! This class will explore the mythology and history of Ancient Greece & Rome.
Current World Issues
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 1 hr/week
- Students will be expected to participate actively in class, apply what they are learning in class to real-world issues, carry out research on countries and topics, and simulate the behavior of real-world diplomats in a mock Model United Nations competition. Students will learn to research a country’s background, government, and foreign policy along with a selection of United Nations issues like security, the environment, or political development. They will learn the basic rules by which United Nations diplomats operate and then put the knowledge they have gained into effect by crafting agreements to solve real-world, real-time issues during the competition.
Native American Studies
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 1 hr/week
- This class will examine the incredibly diverse and complex world of Native American nations. This will be accomplished through the study of historical and current cultural aspects of various tribes, such as oral traditions and religious beliefs, current issues Native American nations are facing, and important and impactful events in history, such as the Navajo Code Talkers and the Wounded Knee Massacre. Classwork will include formal research projects, lectures, guest speakers, class discussions, and examining and evaluating primary and secondary sources. The goal of this class is to not only enhance and deepen knowledge but to improve upon important social studies skills.
World Civilizations
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 1 hr/week
- Are you interested in Egyptian pyramids, King Tut, Vishnu, Buddha, Confucianism, and the Terra Cotta Army? Then World Civilizations is for you! This class will explore the mythology and history of various world civilizations, including Egypt, India, and China.
Student Government
This full-year elective class is for 8th graders who have been elected and appointed to leadership positions in different school groups (Student Body Officer, National Junior Honors Society, Latinos in Action, Kindness Club, and Hope Squad). Student Government is designed to teach leadership, cooperation, and other social skills. Students will learn and practice important leadership skills through presentations, group work, and classroom activities. Student Government will plan and direct school activities and two assemblies during the year. They will work with school groups to help promote school spirit, sponsor a school-wide service project, and implement other activities as assigned by the administration.
The following requirements apply to all Student Government members:
- Must maintain a B or higher in all classes during the year while serving as an officer (3.0 GPA).
- Must show exemplary behavior and attendance. Students may only have one lunch detention per term while serving.
- Must be a full-time Centennial student (enrolled in ten classes) during the year of service.
- Must attend mandatory meetings as listed on the application, including three days at the beginning of August and the day before school starts.
- Students will be required to complete three hours of service outside of class each month. Other homework time will vary depending on activities and projects throughout the year.
Process to Become a Student Body Officer:
- In April, all students will be asked to nominate names of their peers (7th graders nominate 7th graders for the next school year, and 8th graders nominate 8th graders for Timpview).
- The list of nominated students is given to the faculty and staff, who endorse 10 in each grade they feel would be great representatives.
- Students who receive five or more staff endorsements are contacted and invited to apply to become a Student Body Officer.
- Interviews are conducted with advisors and administration, and those chosen are assigned the office they will hold by the advisors.
Admission to Student Government is by invitation only. Students should contact the advisors below for the school group they would like to become an officer for applications and deadlines, which typically take place in April and May.
- Student Government: Kristin Soerensen ( & Nicole Murray (
- National Junior Honors Society (NJHS): Nicole Murray (
- Latinos in Action: Julissa Cooper (
- Kindness Club: Ben Young (
- Hope Squad: Ben Young (
Student Services
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: 1 hr/week
- Prerequisite: Application
- Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is an in-school academic support program for grades seven through twelve. The purpose of the program is to prepare students for college eligibility and success. AVID places academically average students in advanced classes; levels the playing field for minority, rural, low-income, and other students without a college-going tradition in their families; and targets students in the academic middle (B, C, and even D students) who have the desire to go to college and the willingness to work hard.
- AVID students generally fit into one or more of the categories below:
- Middle to high academic range
- Under-represented college-bound group
- A desire and willingness to succeed in college prep and Pre-AP/AP courses
- A desire to go to a higher institution of learning upon graduation from high school
- Individual determination to be successful in each of their scheduled classes
Basic Academic Skills
- Duration: Semester/Yearlong (0.5/1.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- This class is for students who feel they could use extra help with their classes or could use more time for homework. Students will have time to work on homework, ask questions, and get the extra help that they need. It is designed for students to raise and maintain their GPA.
Latinos in Action
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: Up to 1 hr/week
- Prerequisite: Solicitud y/o recomendación del profesor
- In this class, Latino students participate in many service and leadership experiences. All students in Latinos in Action participate in a tutoring program to help elementary students. Students will be accepted into the class based on school GPA and behavior. While in the class, students must fulfill 3 service hours per term and retain a 2.0 GPA. If students have any questions, they may contact Ms. Cooper at
Peer Tutor
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: 1 hr/week
- Prerequisite: Application
- This class is open to students who are responsible and like to help others. Our class consists of students who are significantly disabled. Peer tutors come into class and teach social, academic, and friendship skills to the students. The teachers model how to interact with the students. Peer tutors may also accompany students to elective classes to help them navigate the school and follow directions in class. Students are graded on their interaction with the students, reading assignments, and some writing assignments. Past peer tutors have said this was their favorite class.
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: Up to 1 hr/week
- Prerequisite: Application
- This is a year-long course for 8th graders only. Students will be producing the annual Centennial yearbook. The work in class will consist of both the theory and practice of journalistic skills, photography, and layout design, as well as the paperwork and logistics of working with a publishing company. They will be given specific assignments and be required to meet realistic deadlines.
Visual Arts
7th Grade Requirement – Art Foundations I
Art Foundations I
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 7
- Homework: Up to 30 min/week
- This is a foundational visual arts course for seventh grade. This course is designed to build foundational drawing skills through project-based learning. These projects are structured and centered around the principles and elements of art. In addition, this course is meant to help students discover how to work with a variety of mediums. This course is designed to help students creatively problem-solve, develop fine motor skills, and communicate by giving and receiving feedback.
Advanced Foundations 2
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: Up to 30 min/week
- Prerequisite: Art Foundations I
- This is an advanced course using the skills developed from Foundations 1. Students will be challenged to examine their lives and the world around them through traditional and non-traditional art practices. It will push students further in thinking both critically and creatively, in collaborating with others, in communicating their ideas, and in having the abilities and confidence needed when using artistic methods. Students in this course should have a strong commitment to art and have previously demonstrated this through their final portfolio in Foundations 1.
3D Design
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: Up to 30 min/week
- This will be a foundational course to introduce students to the unique way that artists interact with and study the world. Students will use a range of traditional and non-traditional art systems to examine their lives and the world around them. This course is designed to help students think both critically and creatively, collaborate with others, communicate their ideas, and develop confidence in using 3D design methods.
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: Up to 1 hr/week
- This will be a foundational course to introduce students to the unique way that artists interact with and study the world through ceramics. Students will learn the three hand-building methods: coil, pinch, and slab. This course is designed to help students creatively problem-solve, develop fine motor skills, and communicate by giving and receiving feedback.
- Duration: Semester (0.5)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: Up to 1 hr/week
- This class is designed to introduce students to the various avenues that can be explored in the field of painting. Students will learn basic color theory, paint mixing, brush technique, and several approaches to painting. Students will work with different types of paint and will paint various subjects using several methods during the semester. Painting supplies will be purchased with art fees collected at the time of registration.
World Languages & Dual Language Immersion
Chinese 1
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: 1 hr/week
- Students in Chinese 1 will develop interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational language skills as they interact through the Chinese language in culturally authentic settings. The class will focus on Novice communicative tasks and functions.
DLI Chinese 3
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7
- Homework: 2-3 hrs/week
- Prerequisite: Dual Language Immersion Students Only
- This course is a continuation of the Elementary DLI program, focusing on advanced speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Narratives and dialogues teach grammar structure and vocabulary, while cultural and geographical knowledge is enhanced through reading.
DLI Chinese 4
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: 2-3 hrs/week
- Prerequisite: Dual Language Immersion Students Only
- This course continues advanced language development, including cognition skills and cultural competencies, preparing students for higher-level language proficiency.
Chinese Culture, History, & Media
- Duration: Semester or Yearlong (0.5/1.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 1 hr/week
- Prerequisite: Dual Language Immersion Students Only
- This project-based course helps students build cultural-linguistic competencies through media, authentic texts, and exploration of Chinese cultural practices and perspectives.
Spanish 1
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: 1 hr/week
- Students in Spanish 1 will develop interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational language skills in culturally authentic settings. The class will focus on Novice communicative tasks and functions.
DLI Spanish 3
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7
- Homework: 2-3 hrs/week
- Prerequisite: Dual Language Immersion Students Only
- This course continues language skill development in Spanish, focusing on communication, cultural understanding, and deeper cognitive learning.
DLI Spanish 4
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: 2-3 hrs/week
- Prerequisite: Dual Language Immersion Students Only
- Students enhance their Spanish language proficiency through group work, reading, writing, and listening exercises. The course also covers cultural and geographical aspects of Spanish-speaking regions.
Spanish Culture, History, & Media
- Duration: Semester or Yearlong (0.5/1.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 1 hr/week
- Prerequisite: Dual Language Immersion Students Only
- This project-based course builds cultural-linguistic competencies using media, texts, and exploration of Spanish-speaking cultures.
French 1
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: 1 hr/week
- Students in French 1 will develop interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational language skills in culturally authentic settings. The class will focus on Novice communicative tasks and functions.
DLI French 3
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 7
- Homework: 2-3 hrs/week
- Prerequisite: Dual Language Immersion Students Only
- This course continues the Elementary DLI program, focusing on speaking, listening, reading, and writing in French. Narratives and dialogues develop grammar and vocabulary, with cultural and geographical studies included.
DLI French 4
- Duration: Yearlong (1.0)
- Grade(s): 8
- Homework: 2-3 hrs/week
- Prerequisite: Dual Language Immersion Students Only
- Students advance in French language skills through whole class instruction, group work, and individual assignments. The course emphasizes cultural awareness and fluency.
French Culture, History, & Media
- Duration: Semester or Yearlong (0.5/1.0)
- Grade(s): 7 & 8
- Homework: 1 hr/week
- Prerequisite: Dual Language Immersion Students Only
- This project-based course develops cultural-linguistic competencies through media, texts, and exploration of French-speaking cultures.