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Provo City School District

Centennial Middle School

Important Dates:

  • February 27 Orchestra Concert
  • March 4 PTA Meeting
  • March 5 Combined Choir Concert at Timpview
  • March 6 Band Concert
  • March 13 Last Day of Term 3
  • March 14 NO SCHOOL Professional Development Day


SRO Information:

Our fantastic SRO Officer Newell will be leaving us at the end of the year. We have had several officers stopping by our school to see if they would be interested in working here next year. If you come to the school and see extra officers or squad cars that is why!

Student Government Elections Information:

Here is the information on how the CMS Election Process for choosing next year’s Student Body Officers. This also includes information on how 7th graders can apply to become a member of the student government for Centennial next year.

The Student Body Officer Election process is the same for our 8th Grade SBO’s here at Centennial and the 9th grade SBO’s at Timpview. For those interested in becoming one of the 6 Student Body Officers as an 8th grader here at CMS or one of the 3 Freshman Student Body Officers at Timpview next year, please read through the following information.

We are making a change to the time frame this year, please read through the email carefully. Instead of this taking place in April and May. We are starting this in March and final decisions will be made in April.

The election process is broken up into 3 steps with a 4th step explaining the remaining position in student government.

  1.  Nominations:
    • Students are allowed to nominate any of their peers who they believe will do a good job as an SBO’s for the next school. They are also welcome to nominate themselves. 7th graders are only allowed to nominate fellow 7th graders for a CMS SBO position. 8th graders are only allowed to nominate fellow 8th graders for Freshman SBO. Every student who receives at least 1 nomination will move onto step # 2.
    • All students will be emailed the nomination form for their grade on Monday, March 3, 2025 and will be able to fill out the form that week until Thursday, March 6, 2025 by 5:00 pm.
  2. Endorsements:
    • Every student whose name appears at least once will move onto the endorsement list. The list will be sent to our faculty and staff on Monday, March 10, 2025. They will be asked to endorse up to 10 candidates for Centennial SBO’s and 10 candidates for Freshman Representatives, as well as give feedback for any student.
    • All faculty and staff will have until Thursday, March 13, 2025 by 3:30pm to submit their endorsements. The Candidates who receive 5 or more faculty endorsements will move onto step # 3.
  3. Applications:
    • The candidates who received 5 or more faculty and staff endorsements will be sent a note on Monday, March 17, 2025 and called down during 4A to come to a brief meeting and be invited to the google classroom to apply. They will be given access to the application for student body officer, and the sign ups for an interview time. The interviews will be conducted by the Student Government Advisors and the Administration on zoom.
    • After reading the applications and all interviews, the student government advisors and administration will choose who will be the 8th grade SBO’s, Freshman SBO’s and which office those individuals will hold. All decisions will be emailed to the applicants by 5:00pm on Friday, April 18, 2025.
  4. Remaining positions in the CMS Student Government and Timpview’s Student Government.
    • Centennial’s Student Government is made up of the officers of the 5 main organizations here at CMS. Any student who is interested in becoming a member of the CMS student government, but is not chosen as a SBO will need to run for office and win in one of the remaining organizations. They are Latinos in Action, Hope Squad, National Junior Honor Society and Kindness Club. Since our student government is only made up of the officers from those organizations, a student can only represent one organization in an officer capacity.
    • Timpview’s Student Government only has positions for 3 Freshman, which are the SBO’s. Students can apply starting as a Sophomore to either continue trying to run for future SBO positions or be interviewed for Council positions. Any questions regarding Timpview’s Student Government should be directed to their advisor Cassidy Baker.

If you have any questions regarding how each organization regarding their officer elections, please reach out to the advisors of those organizations.

Student Body Officers- email addresses here: and

Latinos in Action- email here:

Hope Squad- email here:

National Junior Honor Society- email here:

Kindness Club- email here:

Timpview Student Government- email here:

CMS Yearbook Application Information:

We are starting the process of applying for the yearbook earlier this year. Our hope is to have the yearbook staff chosen before all 7th graders begin making their scheduling for 8th grade. This will hopefully be much more convenient for you, your student and registration.

Instructions will be emailed to every 7th grader along with a presentation being given in their pack class on Monday, March 3. Applications will be available in the counseling office starting then until the due date.

With this being a class where we are creating a product that our school sells, the whole application is taken very seriously. There are 2 components of the application that must be completed or a student will not be considered.

THE WRITTEN APPLICATION: Students can pick one up in the counseling office starting, Monday, March 3.

THE DIGITAL WORK SAMPLE: This must be completed on either google slides or canva. Instructions are in the written application. READ THEM CAREFULLY

Both the written application and the digital work sample must be turned in and submitted by 3:30pm on Friday, March 28.

WRITTEN APPLICATION: This must be given to Miss. Soerensen in room # 85 by the deadline!

DIGITAL WORK SAMPLE: This must be emailed to Miss. Soerensen email address here: by the deadline!

Any questions should be directed to Miss. Soerensen in room # 85 or emailed to

Classroom Volunteers:


Hello family and friends of Centennial Middle School students!

We are trying to give our students as much support as possible, so we have created a program to allow members of the community to come and join us in the classroom on a volunteer basis. Our teachers have submitted periods where they feel there is a need for student support of some kind which they have specified. If you’d like to volunteer, please follow the link below and see if there are any times that would work well with your schedule! We’re excited for this opportunity for teachers and the community to work together to help our students!

Reminders . . .

1. You do not need to have any expertise in the subject areas of each classroom. The teachers will give you instruction on how to help.

2. This is NOT an ongoing commitment. When you sign up for a time slot, it’s for that time slot only. We’ll send out the sign up link each week.

School Fees:

School fees must be paid as soon as possible. Fee Waiver Applications were due September 15.

Pre-pay for this year’s yearbook. $30. Send payment with your student, pay online or by phone with a credit card.


Yearbooks are for sale in the Financial Office. Your student can see if they have already purchased one by looking on the bulletin board outside the Main Office. If you wish to purchase one they are $30.

Did you know?

Mrs. Dalby has her own social media pages?


In order to minimize traffic through the office we are asking that you do not bring your student in to the school when you are dropping them off. Please drop them off and then email or call our attendance secretary Emma Cervantes to excuse them. Her email address is

If your student has a doctor, dentist or orthodontist appointment first thing in the morning (8:30 or earlier) we are asking that you not send them to school until after their appointment.

When you are checking out a student please only have one person come in the school to check them out. Please be prepared and have your government issued ID ready to show, and that the person who is coming is on their Emergency Contact Form or that you have emailed or called in advance to let us know who will be picking your student up.


Next PTA Meeting March 4 at 10:30am in Centennial Library

Individuals wanting to join or donate to PTA can do so through these links:

This week at Centennial:

  • Monday February 24 A Day 8:05 AM-2:55 PM
  • Tuesday February 25 B Day 8:05 AM-2:55 PM
  • Wednesday February 26 A Day 8:05 AM-2:55 PM
  • Thursday February 27 B Day 8:05 AM-2:55 PM
  • Friday February 28 A Day 8:05 AM-1:00 PM

Looking Ahead:

  • Monday March 3 B Day 8:05 AM-2:55 PM
  • Tuesday March 4 A Day 8:05 AM-2:55 PM
  • Wednesday March 5 B Day 8:05 AM-2:55 PM
  • Thursday March 6 A Day 8:05 AM-2:55 PM
  • Friday March 7 B Day 8:05 AM-1:00 PM

We are having an assembly on Wednesday March 19. Here is the bell schedule for that day: 1st 8:05 - 8:55 AM 2nd 9:00 - 9:50 AM 3rd 9:55 - 10:45 AM 1st Lunch 10:45 - 11:15 AM 4th Period...

Dr. Sean Edwards has been a dedicated educator in Provo City School District for 13 years. At Timpview High School, he served as an Assistant Principal, Instructional Coach, and Special Education...

Parent Teacher Conferences are today from 1:30 to 7:30 Parent teacher conferences run as follows: From 1:30-3:30 the school is closed and conferences are held on line via zoom To make an...
