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Provo City School District

Centennial Middle School

Important Dates:

  • January 20 NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King Jr Day
  • January 29 Timpview Band Bash and Orchestra Monster Concert
  • February 10-14 Kindness Week
  • February 11 Parent Teacher Conferences
  • February 17 NO SCHOOL President’s Day
  • February 27 Orchestra Concert


Tiny Timberwolves:

Two nights a month in December, January and February, faculty and students going on the New York Trip will offer a babysitting service for our community.

Each night will be from 5-9pm and drop off and pick up will be in the foyer of the CMS auditorium. Drivers license will be required at both drop off and pick up.

  • Parents will need to provide a sack dinner or one that can be heated up for their child
  • A frozen kids dinner meal can be purchased for an additional 5 dollars
  • Drop off can begin at 4:45pm with payment due at the time of drop off
  • Any pick up past 9:15 pm will be charged a 5 dollar late fee per child
  • For Children Ages 5 – 12
  • Child Must Be Potty Trained
  • 2 Hours Minimum 4 Hours Maximum
  • $10 per child, per hour
  • Games, Crafts, and Activities
  • 25 Children Maximum Per Night
  • All bookings will open 30 days prior to the babysitting event

Sign up for the CMS Babysitting Below



New Cell Phone Policy Begins January 7!

This policy addresses the use of electronic devices including cell phones, smart watches, and earbuds/headphones.

Devices must remain on a mode where notifications cannot be received and out of sight during school hours


All students will receive a daily reminder to put away their electronic devices.

1st Offense: Student will place their device in a provided locked container which remains with the student for the rest of the school day. Parents will be notified that the electronic device has been placed in the container. A school administrator will be available in the main office to unlock the container at the end of the school day. 2nd Offense: The same process as above will be followed except the administrator will not unlock the container until a parent has been notified and has requested that the device be unlocked. 3rd Offense: The same process will be followed as the 2nd offense except the parent and student will be required to meet with an administrator to develop a contract and plan to support the student in following this policy. Full Policy can be found here

Classroom Volunteers:

Volunteers Needed!

Hello family and friends of Centennial Middle School students!

We are trying to give our students as much support as possible, so we have created a program to allow members of the community to come and join us in the classroom on a volunteer basis. Our teachers have submitted periods where they feel there is a need for student support of some kind which they have specified. If you’d like to volunteer, please follow the link below and see if there are any times that would work well with your schedule! We’re excited for this opportunity for teachers and the community to work together to help our students!

Below is the link to sign up to be a volunteer:

Reminders . . .

  • You do not need to have any expertise in the subject areas of each classroom. The teachers will give you instruction on how to help.
  • This is NOT an ongoing commitment. When you sign up for a time slot, it’s for that time slot only. We’ll send out the sign up link each week.

School Fees

School fees must be paid as soon as possible. Fee Waiver Applications were due September 15.

Pre-pay for this year’s yearbook. $30. Send payment with your student, pay online or by phone with a credit card.


Yearbooks are for sale in the Financial Office. Your student can see if they have already purchased one by looking on the bulletin board outside the Main Office. If you wish to purchase one they are $30.

Did you know?

Mrs. Dalby has her own social media pages? Use the links below to find Ms. Dalby on social media!


In order to minimize traffic through the office we are asking that you do not bring your student in to the school when you are dropping them off. Please drop them off and then email or call our attendance secretary Emma Cervantes to excuse them. Her email address is

If your student has a doctor, dentist or orthodontist appointment first thing in the morning (8:30 or earlier) we are asking that you not send them to school until after their appointment.

When you are checking out a student please only have one person come in the school to check them out. Please be prepared and have your government issued ID ready to show, and that the person who is coming is on their Emergency Contact Form or that you have emailed or called in advance to let us know who will be picking your student up.


Next PTA Meeting February 4 at 10:30am in Centennial Library

Individuals wanting to join or donate to PTA can do so through these links:

This week at Centennial:

  • Monday January 13 A Day 8:05 AM-2:55 PM
  • Tuesday January 14 B Day 8:05 AM-2:55 PM
  • Wednesday January 15 A Day 8:05 AM-2:55 PM
  • Thursday January 16 B Day 8:05 AM-2:55 PM
  • Friday January 17 A Day 8:05 AM-1:00 PM

Looking Ahead:

  • Monday January 20 NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King Jr Day
  • Tuesday January 21 B Day 8:05 AM-2:55 PM
  • Wednesday January 22 A Day 8:05 AM-2:55 PM
  • Thursday January 23 B Day 8:05 AM-2:55 PM
  • Friday January 24 A Day 8:05 AM-1:00 PM

Parent Teacher Conferences are today from 1:30 to 7:30 Parent teacher conferences run as follows: From 1:30-3:30 the school is closed and conferences are held on line via zoom To make an...

Important Dates: February 10-14 Kindness Week see dress up days below February 11 Parent Teacher Conferences 1:00 Release Follow Friday Bell Schedule February 17 NO SCHOOL President's...

Important Dates: January 29 Timpview Band Bash and Orchestra Monster Concert February 10-14 Kindness Week February 11 Parent Teacher Conferences February 17 NO SCHOOL President's Day February 27...
