Last modified: February 7, 2025
School Improvement Plan
School Improvement Status
- Targeted Support & Improvement (TSI): No
- Additional Targeted Support & Improvement (ATSI): Yes; English Learners/Multilingual Learners, Hispanic, Pacific Islander, Students with Disabilities
Strategic Plan Priority 1: Academic Achievement
Goal 1
- Increase the percentage of students proficient in math, English, and science by 5% per content area as measured by RISE.
Goal 2
- Increase the number of Multilingual Students (MLs) proficient in each content area (math, English, and science) by at least 2% as measured by RISE.
Goal 3
- Increase the number of students with disabilities (SWD) reaching proficiency in each content area (math, English, and science) by at least 2% as measured by RISE.
Action Steps:
- We will lower class sizes in English by increasing the number of teachers on the team from 7 to 8. Current average number of students per class is 32-33 depending on the specific class (math 7 vs math 8). Our goal is to be at 30 next year.
- Subject/Other Info: ELA
- Timeline: Hired by end of FY 2024 for next school year
- Cost: $72,000.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- We will lower class sizes in Math by increasing the number of teachers on the team from 7 to 8. Current average number of students per class is 32-33. Our goal is to be at 30 next year.
- Subject/Other Info: MA
- Timeline: Hired by end of FY 2024 for next school year
- Cost: $72,000.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- We will lower class sizes in Science by increasing the number of teachers from 5 to 5.5. Current average number of students per class is 32-33. Our goal is to be at 27-28 next year.
- Subject/Other Info: SCI
- Timeline: Hired by end of FY 2024 for next school year
- Cost: $36,000.00
- Funding Source: TSSA
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Reintroduce PACK time into the bell schedule with specific intervention focuses by subject area.
- Description of Action Step:
- We will add intervention time back into the bell schedule by going back to having PACK time four days per week. There will be a specific focus each day:
- Monday- Advisory and schoolwide expectations
- Tuesday- Math interventions and extensions
- Wednesday- English interventions and extensions
- Thursday- Science interventions and extensions
- Friday- early out day for PLC time (no PACK time)
- PLCs will use formative assessment data to identify students in need of specific interventions, extensions, re-teaching, etc. They will fill out pack slips that the main office will deliver the morning of the associated day of the week. Those students will attend sessions with that content area’s teachers. The rest of the students throughout the building will be working on the mentor system and check ins. Special education students will be placed with their SPED teachers for services as needed, and MLs will be placed with their ELD teachers as needed.
- We will add intervention time back into the bell schedule by going back to having PACK time four days per week. There will be a specific focus each day:
- Subject/Other Info: Other
- Timeline: Bell schedule will be written during leadership team retreat in July, 2024 to be implemented on the first day of school in August, 2024
- Cost: $0.00
- Funding Source: General
- Expenditure: N/A
- Description of Action Step:
- Professional Learning Community (PLC) training will be provided for all faculty. They will be given protocols, and accountability tasks aligned with district PLC expectations. Leadership team will attend a Solution Tree PLC conference this summer. Administration will provide feedback to PLC teams monthly.
- Subject/Other Info: Other
- Timeline: July, 2024 conference followed by PD in August, 2024; monthly PD on the 4th Friday of each month
- Cost: $10,000.00
- Funding Source: TSSA
- Expenditure: Travel/Conference/Workshop
- More co-taught sections will be offered to make sure there are lower numbers of SWD in each class so more time can be given to each individual student.
- Subject/Other Info: SWD
- Timeline: This is in place of extra resource classes. Those classes only had 5-8 students and can be combined while still keeping manageable class sizes.
- Cost: $0.00
- A paraeducator will work in gen ed classes to provide accommodations for SWD.
- Subject/Other Info: SWD
- Timeline: To be hired end of July to start the first week of school in August
- Cost: $20,000.00
- Funding Source: SPED is working on the possibility of funding this. If they cannot, we will update the plan to reflect the correct budget
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Data and a “tip” on how parents can support academics at home will be shared in the monthly parent newsletter.
- Subject/Other Info: Other
- Timeline: Sent out to parents on the first of each month
- Cost: $0.00
- Funding Source: General
- Expenditure: Supplies
- We will continue the use of translation tools including timekettle earbuds, handheld translators, and Microsoft Translator.
- Subject/Other Info: ML
- Timeline: Teachers trained in August PD
- Cost: $0.00 (unless more devices are needed)
- Funding Source: ML (5364)
- Expenditure: Supplies
- ML aides will be hired to provide accommodations in the general education setting.
- Subject/Other Info: ML
- Timeline: Hired end of July to start in August when school year starts
- Cost: $30,000.00
- Funding Source: ML (5364)
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Academic Vocabulary protocol will be continued – faculty has been trained. Training will be provided for new teachers, words will be available in the shared drive, and the protocol will be followed in every PACK class.
- Subject/Other Info: ML
- Timeline: Training in August PD and reviewed quarterly on PD days
- Cost: $200.00
- Funding Source: General
- Expenditure: Supplies
- ML strategies will be shared with faculty monthly by the English Language Development (ELD) lead teacher, instructional coach, or administration.
- Subject/Other Info: ML
- Cost: $500.00
- Funding Source: ML (5364)
- Expenditure: Supplies
- ML students will be identified and supported by an FTE in an ELD class; a lead teacher will provide PD to teachers, track ML students, and monitor all ACCESS testing.
- Subject/Other Info: ML
- Timeline: Ongoing
- Cost: $15,000.00
- Funding Source: ML (5364)
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- Class sizes will be lowered in all classes across the school by providing more elective options that lead to more flexibility in the master schedule.
- Subject/Other Info: Other
- Timeline: Hired in spring 2024
- Cost: $72,000.00
- Funding Source: TSSA
- Expenditure: Salary/Benefits
- We will have a display on a wall in the faculty lounge showing goals, data, and progress.
- Subject/Other Info: Other
- Timeline: Monthly updates. Display created before August with students added before September 15.
- Cost: $100.00
- Funding Source: General
- Expenditure: Supplies
- We will utilize AVID WICOR strategies to increase engagement and improve Tier 1 instruction.
- Subject/Other Info: Other
- Timeline: Summer training and fall demo school visit
- Cost: $10,000.00
- Funding Source: Landtrust
- Expenditure: Travel/Conference/Workshop
Strategic Plan Priority 2: Wellness and Safety
Goal 1
- We will increase the percentage of students who feel connected to at least one adult in the building by a minimum of 10% as measured by Panorama.
Goal 2
- We will decrease the number of Office Discipline Referrals (ODRs) by at least 5% as measured by Educator’s Handbook.
Goal 3
- The number of parents engaged in emails/newsletters/posts will increase by 10% as measured in S’More.
Action Steps:
- We will implement a mentor system via PACK time (an advisory/intervention period. PACK stands for Perseverance Academics Community and Kindness and is used schoolwide for expectations)- teachers will take on a mentor role with those students in PACK and follow goal setting protocols monthly with each individual student. PACK time will be utilized to make this possible. See draft of weekly check in.
- Subject/Other Info: Teachers will take on a mentor role and follow goal-setting protocols monthly with each student.
- Timeline: Training in August, monthly protocols
- Cost: $0.00
- Funding Source: General
- Provide classroom management training and support for all teachers, with additional training for new teachers, interns, and alternate route candidates.
- Subject/Other Info: Led by administration and instructional coach
- Timeline: August PD, quarterly PD, tips in Admin’s weekly newsletter
- Cost: No additional cost beyond included FTE and scheduled PD days
- Display goals, data, and progress on a wall in the faculty lounge.
- Subject/Other Info: Monthly updates
- Timeline: Display created before August with students added before September 15
- Cost: $100.00
- Funding Source: General
- Expenditure: Supplies
- Teach weekly PACK lessons about school expectations, soft skills, and self-reflection for students.
- Subject/Other Info: Created by the school leadership team
- Timeline: First semester lessons completed during summer leadership retreat; other lessons completed in monthly leadership team meetings and shared with faculty at least one week in advance
- Cost: $10,000.00
- Funding Source: General
- Expenditure: Travel/Conference/Workshop
- Utilize PBIS rewards, PACK store, PACK cards, and other supplies like hall passes, student recognition, and quarterly rewards.
- Subject/Other Info: Items purchased before the school year and replaced throughout the year as needed
- Timeline: By start of school in August
- Cost: $30,000.00
- Funding Source: TSSA
- Expenditure: Supplies
- Send monthly newsletters to parents with more data, tips, and engagement strategies.
- Subject/Other Info: Listed in previous goal areas
- Timeline: By the first of each month
- Cost: $0.00
- Funding Source: TSSA
- Post a minimum of one weekly social media update on both the school’s page and the principal’s page to increase views and interaction.
- Timeline: By Wednesday of each week
- Cost: $0.00
- Funding Source: TSSA
Measurement of Goals & Additional Information
Measurement of Goals
- Educators handbook data will be used to monitor ODRs throughout the school year. This will include total number of office referrals and minor incidents as well as data by teacher, period, incident type, demographics, etc.
- Panorama survey will be given three times per year and compared to past surveys. The data presented within Panorama’s dashboard shows increases and decreases for easy visuals.
- Pass/fail grades
- Hall pass data
- Staff and stakeholder surveys
- Social media posts, likes, shares, etc.
- Newsletter views and data within S’more
Use of Additional Funds
- If there is extra funding, it will be put towards supplies or salaries of extra instructional aides to support tier 2 interventions.
Communication of Progress
- The principal sends out a monthly newsletter that will include updates.
- Updates are also shared in PTA and SCC meetings and displayed on the state websites.
Stakeholder Involvement
- School Community Council and members of PTA have analyzed data and helped decide on goals and funding. This was done in SCC meetings.
Names and Roles of Contributors
- Brookanne Taylor – Principal
- Jeannette Moreira – Assistant Principal
- Jeremiah Tijerina – PBIS Coordinator
- Jennifer Partridge – Board Member
- Meg VanWagenen – Board Member
- Jami Martinson – PTA President
- Jennie Blum – SCC Chair
- Shane Wright – SCC Vice Chair
- Natalie Oeson – SCC Member
- Nicole Murray – SCC Teacher Member
- Katie Webster – SCC Faculty Member
- Ashley Hoiland – SCC Member