Last modified: February 10, 2025
Choir Information
Expected Skills for Each Choir at Centennial Middle School
Level 1 – Beginning Choir – No audition required (Chorus 1 Soprano/Alto, Chorus 1 Tenor/Bass)
- Complete beginners who have never been in a choir before, OR people who have been in choir, but who would not like to submit an audition. We go over how to follow a vocal score, proper singing technique, how to sit properly, basic rhythms, how to read notes from the beginning, etc.
Level 2 – Concert Choir – VIDEO AUDITION REQUIRED – Audition materials can be found below in this document.
- 6th Grade students, or 7th grade students not currently in choir, interested in auditioning for the 2024-25 school year will do so through video submission in Google Classroom.
- Sign up for the Google Classroom by going to the following link:
- Google Classroom
- Use the class code: 6twbmqv
- Generally for people who have already been in choir for 1 or 2 years.
- Prerequisite Skills
- Read simple rhythm patterns
- Identify your part in a vocal score
- Sing your assigned part with other voice parts.
Level 3 – Aria/Chamber Choir – VIDEO AUDITION REQUIRED – Audition materials can be found below in this document.
- 6th Grade students interested in auditioning for the 2024-25 school year will do so through video submission in Google Classroom.
- Sign up for the Google Classroom by going to the following link:
- Google Classroom
- Use the class code: 6twbmqv
- Generally for people who have already been in choir for 1-2 years (there are exceptions of course)
- Prerequisite Skills
- Displays acceptable behavior in previous choir classes or lessons (Mrs.Williams may discuss with previous teachers)
- Display proper singing posture
- Able to independently sing their parts with other vocal parts to create harmonies.
- Able to identify and perform basic music terminology (dynamics, tempo, accidentals, rests, etc.)
- Able to sight read music with 8th notes.
- Performs the Choir audition sheet accurately
Level 4 – A Capella – VIDEO AUDITION REQUIRED – Audition materials can be found below in this document. 7th Grade students interested in auditioning for the 2024-25 school year can do so in person with Mrs. Williams by appointment.
- Sign up for the Google Classroom by going to the following link:
- Google Classroom
- Use the class code: 6twbmqv
Generally for people who have already sung for 2 or more years (there are exceptions of course), or who have taken private lessons for a year or more (not required)
Prerequisite Skills
Displays acceptable behavior in previous choir classes or lessons (Mrs.Williams
may discuss with previous teachers)
Display proper singing posture
Able to independently sing their parts with other vocal parts to create harmonies.
Able to identify and perform basic music terminology (dynamics, tempo, accidentals, rests, etc.)
Able to sight read music with 8th notes, 16th notes, and dotted rhythms
Performs the Choir audition sheet accurately
I have a great voice. Shouldn’t I be in the top choir?
- Being a good chorister is a lot more than just having a nice voice. Essential musicianship skills are taught at every level. If you don’t get the choir you were hoping for, just know that it’s where I feel you will learn and grow the most.
Does it cost anything to be in choir?
- There is a music fee that is used to cover classroom music supplies and students will need concert attire; we will discuss the details in class
Audition Materials
- Google Classroom
- Use the class code: 6twbmqv
- Prepare your part of “My Country Tis of Thee”; first verse only (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass)
- Learn your vocal part, EXCEPT sopranos. Sopranos must learn any other vocal line in their range.
- Listening for correct pitch, rhythm, and lyrics.
- Listening for musicality, vocal tone, breathe support, etc.
- Review ALL the sight reading examples below. When you go to the google form to submit your video there will be new examples for you to use for the audition. For your audition please submit the assigned example (by last name). You may play a starting pitch, but NO piano may accompany. You may sing using solfege syllables (Do, Re, Mi) numbers,letter names, or just on “La”. If you get lost or switch syllables that is ok, the focus is the correct pitch.
- A-E example #1
- F-J example #2
- K-O example #3
- P-T example #4
- U-Z example #5
- Clap or count the rhythm reading examples below. Record the rhythm for the highest choir you are auditioning for.
- Concert Choir- #1
- Aria- #2
- Chamber Choir- #3
- A Capella- #4
Your videos can be submitted in any format that works for you. Sight Singing, Rhythm Reading, and Song Clip should all be separate (for time and quality control) If you cannot get your videos to submit via google classroom you can email them to me at by the deadline.
DEADLINE: April 30, 2024