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Provo City School District Logo

Distrito escolar de la ciudad de Provo

Escuela Secundaria Centennial

Última modificación: 11 de noviembre de 2022

Mensaje del Director

Gaye Gibbs

December 8, 2016

Dear Parents:

It’s hard to believe the school year is almost half over. We are working hard to provide our students opportunities to be college and career ready and also take elective classes that are interesting to them.

We are constantly increasing our rigor and we have been informed that English 9 is one of the two most failed classes at Timpview High School. We were also told that 40% of current 9th grade students (8th grade last year) failed at least one class first term at Timpview. This means they are already off track for graduation. We would ask for your support in making sure students are in class each day, they go to bed at a reasonable time so they are rested and engaged in class. We also would ask you to check on homework and grades regularly. If you have concerns, please come in and see the teacher, counselors, or administration.

We are extremely proud of our success last year, moving from a C school to an A school. However, this puts pressure on us to maintain this level of achievement. We cannot do that without your help.

We appreciate your support and we love your students. I hope all of you have a wonderful Christmas season and that you have love and peace in your homes.


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